You have worked hard to inspire someone by your company the open job – so make it clear and simple on what the next step looks like.  Use “Learn more” vs. “Apply” to attract people not actively looking. Avoid candidates feeling like they applied to the “HR Black Hole”.


1) Action – The only way to measure response is if you can get someone to take measurable action steps. Likely you’ll want a candidate to click a link, email someone or fill out a form.

2) Simple & easy – If someone is intrigued, ask for the least possible amount of information to take the next step.  For example, Name & Email. You can reply back with more information and next steps, but don’t have someone fill out 24 questions and a resume upload right away.

3) Attract top talent – Consider using “Learn more” vs. “Apply”. As with executive recruiting, we never ask someone to quit their job and take a new one with our first interaction.  Instead, we just offer up the next step which would be to learn more and due diligence to see if this could be intriguing.  This is a proven, 2-step opt-in strategy likely used by your marketing teams as it works.


Email/Link follow-up – If you have inspired someone to learn more, make it clear and simple on what to do next.

Personal/Real person – For small to midsize companies, you can emphasize the relational aspect of the company by listing a real person’s name/title and email.

“Learn more” vs. “Apply” – Use a 2-step opt-in strategy (like marketing) to separate learning more about a job and actually applying for the job. There is a difference and know this goes against the grain of HR and what is the norm, but what I’ve learned works in 20 years of recruiting.

What happens next? – 61% of people who send in a resume to a company NEVER hear back anything. Nothing. Instead, state what they can expect for a follow-up and what the process looks like.

Good job – You completed the last component: #8: CALL TO ACTION


PRIOR STEP #7:  QUALIFICATIONS (click to view)