Job Search Strategy

How To Give Notice

If you land a new job while currently employed, you need to break up with your current employer. I know this is uncomfortable, but don’t make it worse than it has to be. Give notice well, and the transition can be respectful and professional instead of feeling like an awkward, junior high break-up. Whether you…

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Email Your Resume Like a Pro

First impressions matter. When does the first impression begin on your job search? At the interview? On your resume? Both are important, but the process usually begins with an email. In this post, learn how to email your resume like a pro by recognizing–and fixing–common mistakes. Your resume is a valuable letter, and your email…

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Add Personality to Your Resume

“Don’t include anything personal on your resume.” This advice has been floating around for years, and I speak from two decades of experience that it’s flat out wrong. Hiring managers really like seeing some personality and insight beyond the skills list. I’ve seen many examples of how resume personality was the difference maker between equally…

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Create Your Target Job Shortlist

The Dozen List is a key part of your job search. After you expand your perspective to identify as many prospects as possible, now its time to narrow your focus. So, “Where do you want to work?” That’s the second-most important question on a job search—right behind, “What do you want to do?” It’s important…

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What Jobs are Out There?

It’s a big world. Your ideal job may be at a company you’ve never even heard of. Learn how to do your research to discover and build a list of prospects. Looking for a job is much easier if you know where you might want to work. Most people have heard about a handful of…

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Your DISC Personality Profile

We are all unique and wired differently. It’s one of the frustrating, funny, fascinating parts of life. This design gives the world a wonderful balance and variety. Yet this diversity also leads to tension, conflict, and other challenges when it comes time to understand and communicate with people different than you.. A greater self-awareness helps…

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Stop Spamming Your Resume

Blasting applications out to as many openings as possible rarely results in a successful job search. Stop spamming your resume. Exhale. There is a better strategy that will land you a job faster. I’ve heard it all too many times from people looking for work: “I sent out twenty resumes today!” Or, “I’ve applied for…

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Get Organized to Get Hired

For some of us, getting organized is one of life’s never-ending, soul-sucking tasks. Like pulling weeds or doing taxes. So let me make this as simple as possible by boiling it down to four key organization areas. If you’re embarking on a career transition, getting organized in these four areas will set you up for…

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